Saturday, September 24, 2022

A History of Cuju (蹴鞠): Ancient Chinese Football

 Cuju: Ancient Chinese Football

A History of Cuju (蹴鞠)

Emperor Xuande spectating a game of Cuju

A New Era of Football in China?

In 2011, President Xi Jinping revealed his three dreams for Chinese Football: to qualify for the world cup, to host a world cup, and to win a world cup. In 2014, China set forth to create an 800 billion dollar sports industry by 2025. In 2020, China’s General Administration of Sport unveiled plans to have 18 critical cities dedicated to Football by 2025. Cities should aim to have two professional teams each, develop a grassroots culture in football and have one football pitch for every 10,000 people by 2025. The overall goal for the General Administration is to make China a strong sporting nation by 2035 and football is a critical factor in that goal. In addition, the country will build dozens of new football-specific stadiums in critical regions and expect to bid to host the 2030 or 2034 world cup.

As China’s influence on the global stage grows, Football leagues, teams, and sponsors are recognising the potential to engage with a large group of new fans. China is already one of the biggest spenders on foreign clubs, with Chinese investors buying minority stakes in Manchester City, Atletico Madrid, majority stakes in Aston Villa and West Bromwich Albion, not to mention the entirety of AC Milan with an expected 250 million euros in additional merchandise sales from their 100 million Chinese fans.

In 2004, FIFA recognised Cuju (蹴鞠) as the oldest form of football. Cuju is a type of Chinese kickball game, with historical records dating to the Han Dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE) in the 2nd century BCE. With the backdrop of the modern growth in Chinese football, some wonder whether China has a more intimate connection to the sport as the original creators of Football, or Association Football if we were to use its official name. It certainly fits a larger narrative of football revival in China, but did China really invent football? I think the answer is no. But let us first explore the history and development of Cuju from the Han Dynasty up to the modern day.

Cuju: Mythical Legends and Han Dynasty Origins

According to legend, Cuju could be traced back to the mythological Yellow Emperor (黄帝) (2697-2596 BCE) using the heads of his defeated enemies, the Chiyou (蚩尤) Barbarians, as kicking objects to humiliate them. Another legend said that it was not their heads that were used but their stomachs instead. The Emperor would order the stomachs of his fallen enemies to be stuffed and then used as a kickball. It was only later that the activity would evolve into a form of exercise. Whether these stories were true is anyone’s guess, but considering the brutal nature of primitive societies, I reckon it did happen, although it probably had no direct involvement in the evolution of the formal game of Cuju later played in the Han dynasty. I also doubt that human organs make for durable footballs, there could only be so many heads of your enemies to go around.

Thousands of years later in the Han dynasty (汉朝) (202 BCE-220 CE), bravery and ritual in military practices gave way to the serious business of conquest and expansion. Chariot warfare declined and infantry warfare grew. The demands of military life led to the need for new activities to maintain the physical fitness of soldiers. This period was when Cuju first appeared in Sima Qian’s Records of the Grand Historian (史记). The first Han emperor Gaozu (汉高祖) (202-195 BCE) and his father were avid fans of Cuju and were said to have played the game since their youths. After ascending the throne in a bloody civil war, Emperor Gaozu duly promoted Cuju in the country by establishing Cuju military exercises, and competition rules and building Cuju infrastructure. Nobles and wealthy citizens alike were said to have built their own private pitches. The Emperor had his very own football court, complete with a perimeter and grandstands, and when a match is underway it would have looked remarkably similar to modern Football matches today.

Cuju scene from the Movie Red Cliff II

The rules of Cuju in this period were the most similar to football today. Two teams play off with 12 players each, only one more player than in modern Association Football, referees were appointed, six holes in the ground were set up on each side as goals and victory goes to the team that can score the highest number of goals. This period also saw the supposed emergence of a specialised book on Cuju, called the “Twenty-five chapters of Cuju” written on Bamboo slips, although no records of it nor its contents have survived.

The Later Han period (Eastern Han, 东汉) (25-220 CE) also saw the rise in Buddhism and the transfer of Buddhist teachings from China to Japan. The subsequent religious exchange saw the introduction of Cuju into Japan, which gradually evolved into a similar sport called Kemari (蹴鞠), a favourite pastime of Japan’s warrior class, the Samurai.

Japanese Game of Kemari

Tang Dynasty Transition

The Tang dynasty (唐朝) (618-907 CE) was marked by a period of transition from the ancient to the medieval. During the Tang dynasty, the core of the army consisted of an aristocratic elite who loved horses. The influence of cavalry was substantial in the Tang dynasty, growing from 5,000 horses in 618 CE to seven hundred thousand horses by 750 CE. The strong influence of horsemanship was reflected in military exercises through the game of polo called Jiju, possibly imported from Iran. Tang armies used polo as a means of military training, much as the Han armies played Cuju.

Cuju experienced a dramatic change in this period. It had evolved into an activity played by people from all walks of life: court officials, scholars, women, and children. It was now played by one to nine players, whose purpose was to keep the ball in the air. Two kicks were allowed per player, after which the ball was passed. Further modifications saw the emergence of two goals, one at each end of the field, and the use of air-filled balls. Its final form only had one goal in the middle and played like volleyball.

A modern game of Cuju in China

In 877 CE, several scholars held a contest on a makeshift pitch and one scholar Liu Tan was awarded the title of Jinshi (进士), or advanced scholar, for displaying expert football skills to the amazement of military onlookers.

Song Dynasty Peak

The Song dynasty (宋朝) (960-1279 CE) was a time of growth, wealth, and the spread of education. An increase in leisure time provided a greater demand for more forms of entertainment.

Cuju in this time became less of a football match but more of a showcase of individual skill and technique. Players will perform various motions to keep the ball bouncing in the air. Cuju clubs were also formed, functioning as a sort of football league. Clubs will send their teams from around the country to compete in league tournaments.

Ming Dynasty Evolution

Ball games became wildly popular in the early Ming Dynasty (明朝) (1368-1644 CE). The painting series Pleasures of Emperor Xuande (宣德帝) (1399-1435 CE) depicts a game of Cuju played in the Emperor’s presence. The traditional Chinese painting of Beauties by Du Jin (杜堇), a famous Ming Dynasty painter, portrays Chinese court ladies enjoying a game of Cuju.

Cuju also made its way into the realm of the upper class, which had a big impact on its nature. The popularity of Cuju among the upper class caught the attention of brothel prostitutes, who began to play Cuju in erotic manners in front of their establishments, exactly how they did it I’ll leave that up to your imagination. This damaged the image of Cuju, which became to be gradually seen as a vulgar sport.

Emperor Hongwu (洪武帝) (1368-1398 CE), the first Emperor of the Ming dynasty, saw that his government officials were obsessed with Cuju, often abandoning their governing duties to play with their friends. In response, he enacted a complete prohibition on the sport, with anyone breaking the law suffering severe consequences. Despite this, Cuju remained very popular. Thirty years later, Emperor Xuande even castrated a soldier who was a good player so that he could play in court as a eunuch.

Qing Dynasty Decline

The Qing period (清朝) (1636-1912 CE) was when Cuju experienced a stark decline. Military drill, gymnastics, and sports were directly counter to the dominant Qing concept of culture, characterised by intellectual ideals. Men of culture wore long gowns with long sleeves to signify that they were not involved in physical labour. Sports were an activity for the lower classes. Qing dynasty pigtails, the dominant hairstyle for men, were also incompatible with professional sports. For women, the tradition of bound feet constituted an obstacle to sport participation, it was not until the late 1920s that Chinese women took part in sports in significant numbers.

This influence can be seen in the late Republican period of China (1912-1949 CE). When Chinese students first took up western sports at missionary schools, they wore long gowns and were resistant to the introduction of physical education into their curriculum. Ernest Hughes noted (1937, pg 176) “25 years ago, it was an effort for a [Chinese] schoolboy to shed his long gown to take part in a game of football.”

Did China Invent Football?

Looking back at the dynamic history of Cuju can we still say that football was invented in China? No, I personally don’t think so. And I say this because of two reasons.

Firstly, football is the most basic sport in human society, you either hit a ball, or you kick a ball. It is difficult to say that any single group invented the idea of kicking a ball. The Football of today, or to use its official name, association football, is a set of rules set in 1863 by The Football Association in England, which was further standardised by the IFAB, The International Football Association Board in Zurich, Switzerland. The UK doesn’t claim to have invented football, nor was it ever influenced by Cuju in China, but it did codify the set of rules that the entire world plays with today. To claim that China invented football would be to forget that the development of modern-day Association Football and its rules had no relation to Cuju.

Note the British love for football and competition

The second reason why football cannot be considered to be invented in China is the tumultuous development of Cuju itself. Cuju went from a game resembling modern-day Football in the Han Dynasty, into volleyball with feet in the Song Dynasty, and almost vanished in the Qing dynasty. Even the most ardent believers in China’s invention of football will struggle to find a continuous thread in the development of Cuju. Should we really say that football was invented in China by virtue of it showing up in our earliest known history?

Perhaps it is more important to look at why this answer is important. There are three main reasons to why it is advantageous for China to claim credit for the origins of football. External prestige, domestic benefits, and additional revenue.

External prestige is simple to understand, although in my opinion, not a very strong factor, being the founder of football gives China brownie points in legacy and legitimacy in the sport. In terms of domestic benefits, as per typical Neo-Confucian tradition of ancestor worship and filial piety, it is beneficial for Chinese people to feel a sense of connection to football if they know that their ancestors had played it in the past. Football is also a great way to improve the overall health of Chinese citizens, get kids to play outdoors instead of computer games, and foster societal unity through sports. Lastly, as the growth in football interest continues to rise in China, there is a lot of money to be made in Chinese football through broadcasting rights, ticket sales, and merchandise sales. This would translate into additional tax revenues for the nation.

Problems with Chinese Football

While making this video, another question has crept into my mind, and surely yours as well. How would we know that China’s investment in football pay off? In February of 2022, China suffered a 3-1 defeat against Vietnam, dashing any Chinese fan’s hopes of seeing their nation play in the World Cup, leaving them fuming on social media at the final whistle. Chinese Football today is still at a tragic state, with an over-reliance on foreign talent and an inability to cultivate homegrown talent.

Why is this so? Surely a population of 1.4 billion has at least 11 individuals skilled enough in football to play on the world stage? To try and understand why this is not so we would have to go back to school and look at the problems with modern physical education in China. Firstly, the Euro-American ideal of violent sport as an integral part of moral training and formation of character was quite alien to the traditional Chinese ethic. Parents do not encourage their children’s participation in sports and are even more against these sports' competitive natures. Education authorities, instead of promoting competitive sports, advocate for gymnastics and Chinese martial arts to inculcate diligence, obedience, endurance, morale, and national consciousness.

Cuju demonstration to Chinese schoolchildren

With such a deep-rooted cultural resistance toward football and other competitive sports, it is important for China to rebuild the country’s relationship with football from the ground up. Which, as mentioned at the start of this video, is exactly what the government is doing. Their efforts may bear fruit in 2035, or it may take many more years, nonetheless, I wish them all the best.


If you enjoyed this post, consider reading my previous post on Legendary Ancient Chinese Swords in the Spring and Autumn Period.

This post was primarily sourced from Sport and Physical Education in China by James Riordan and Robin Jones. Supporting sources came from Chinese websites, which might potentially suffer from a lack of supporting evidence by their contributors. Let me know in the comments if you have questions. Thank you for reading.



    (a)   Book

Hughes, Ernest Richard. The Invasion of China by the Western World. A. and C. Black, 1937.

Riordan, James, and Jones, Robin. Sport and Physical Education in China. Taylor & Francis, 1999.

    (b)  Websites

Nielsen. “Investing in Football Is at the Heart of China’s Sports Master Plan,” October 2, 2016.

Kidd, Robert. “Why China Is Curbing Club Spending And Building New Stadiums To Fulfill Its Soccer Dream.” Forbes, December 13, 2020.

King, Tom. “China Eyes 18 Soccer Cities in Five Years as It Ramps up Sports Aspirations - SportsPro.” SportsPro Media, June 2, 2021.

看鉴已认证帐号. “蹴鞠真的是现代足球的祖先吗?.” 知乎专栏, 2019.

    (c)   Images

CGTN. “Japanese Players Perform Ancient Ball Game Kemari in Kyoto,” January 8, 2019.

Sina “中国古代的蹴鞠:世界足球之源,” August 29, 2012.

AFPBB News. “漢代では兵士の訓練だった 蹴鞠発祥の地でイベント 山東,” May 25, 2018.

Tencent. “《蹴鞠-中国古代的足球》-中国古代的足球竟然如此厉害-今日头条,” March 19, 2022.

written by Jeremy Ho, 24 September 2022

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